Scarily delicious monster cookies

Ok, Halloween was a few months ago but February weather, with its cold, rainy short, is not super enticing for long afternoons outdoor (unless, of course, you’re lucky enough to live somewhere the sun shines most of the year) !
To keep the kids busy during one of those cold and wet afternoons, why not embarking on a fun baking session to make those scarily delicious monster cookies.

Scarily delicious monster cookies

Monster cookies recipe

Who does not love cookies ?
There are great for snacks (and some say even for breakfast but these must be real cookie monsters).
There is obviously the traditional chocolate chip recipe, but this time for a change why not try our recipe with M&M’s ?


For approx 15 cookies, you will need:

120g butter, softened not melted

200g brown sugar (you can of course use granulated white sugar but in our opinion, the brown sugar adds this little « je ne sais quoi » that makes these cookies so scarily delicious.

220g flour

1 tea spoon baking soda

1 egg

50g almond powder

100g of crushed M&M’s or chocolate chips


To turn the cookies into fun monsters, you will require:

A small quantity of white sugar paste, also known as rolled our icing or fondant

A smaller even quantity of black sugar paste

Finally, about another 100g of whole M&Ms


How to make your scarily delicious monster cookies step by step


First of all, preheat your oven (180°C or 356°F)

Next, in a bowl, mix the softened butter and the brown sugar together. Whisk until you have obtained a creamy mix.

Now, add the egg, the flour, the almond powder, the baking soda and the crushed M&Ms (or the chocolate chips)

Mix well until all the ingredients are well blended together.

After having lined your baking sheet with greaseproof paper, scoop out, with a spoon or an ice cream scooper, dollops of the mix that you will place on the baking tray.

Next, the funniest part of the recipe, turning your cookies into monsters :

Roll out the white fondant icing, and cut out small circles to make the eyes of your monsters

Do the same with the black sugar paste, but cut smaller circles as these will be the pupils of the monsters’ eyes. Place them on the white circles.
If you do not have black fondant, you can draw the pupils using a black food colouring pen.
Let your imagination do the job : make your monsters cross-eyed, give them three eyes…
You can make the eyes using chocolate chips, M&Ms…

For the mouth, you use M&Ms, chocolate chips, even fondant.

Repeat as necessary until all your cookie balls have (pretty ?!) eyes

Finally, bake your cookies for 10 min in the oven ; Let them cool down before letting your very own cookie monsters devouring them.

Keep your cookies (if they haven’t all disappeared in a flash) in a airtight container or jar


Cookies… more than a snack

Everybody (well, really, do you know anyone who doesn’t ?) looove cookies. These monster cookies, presented in a fun packaging with a personalised label, can make a cute little pressie when invited for a playdate or as a thank you gesture.

Join us on Pinterest for lots more ideas and recipes that we love, share your cookie recipes with us on Facebook and Instagram

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